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Post-Thanksgiving Cleanup: Your Simple Guide to a Clean Home with LizMarie Cleaning Services


After the Thanksgiving celebrations, it's time to shift from feasting to cleaning. Whether you had a big feast or a small gathering, the aftermath often leaves your home in need of a good cleanup. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the steps for a post-Thanksgiving cleanup and how hiring LizMarie Cleaning Services can make it easy.

Step 1: Clearing and Storing Leftovers

Start by clearing the dining and kitchen areas of leftover food. Store remaining turkey, side dishes, and desserts in airtight containers to keep your kitchen organized and ready for tasty leftovers.

left over food

Step 2: Tackling the Kitchen

The key to Thanksgiving cleanup is the kitchen. Clean and store dishes, utensils, and cookware. Wipe down countertops, stovetops, and appliances. LizMarie Cleaning Services can help with a deep clean, reaching even the trickiest spots.

Step 3: Cleaning the Dining Area

If your feast happened in the dining room, give it a thorough cleaning. Wipe down tables, chairs, and furniture. Vacuum or sweep floors to remove crumbs. LizMarie Cleaning Services ensures your dining area is spotless and ready for everyday use.

Step 4: Addressing Common Areas

Extend your cleanup to common spaces like the living room and guest bathrooms. Vacuum carpets, dust surfaces, and disinfect commonly touched areas. LizMarie Cleaning Services offers comprehensive cleaning for all living spaces, providing a deep clean to refresh your home.

Cleaning after party

Step 5: Hiring Professional Cleaning Services

For a hassle-free cleanup, consider LizMarie Cleaning Services. Professionals can handle detailed cleaning tasks, ensuring every corner is thoroughly cleaned.

Relax and enjoy the holiday season without the stress of post-celebration cleaning.

After the Thanksgiving celebrations, a clean and organized home sets the stage for a cozy holiday season. Follow these steps and consider LizMarie Cleaning Services for top-notch cleaning in Chicago, ensuring your home is ready for the holidays.

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