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Chicago Carpet Cleaning Services


We are Chicago's top-rated home cleaning and carpet cleaning service provider.  LizMarie Cleaning Services prides itself on integrity and hard work. We show up on time and provide exceptional work, without price gouging our customers. We believe in social responsibility and use only Eco-friendly cleaning agents that are not only extremely effective but are also safe for babies, pets, and the elderly. 

Our team utilizes a high-end carpet cleaning machine called the Bissel Big Green Machine which is the most powerful, carpet deep-cleaning machine on the market. Our carpet cleaning machine uses a 6” tough stain tool which scrubs and suctions away tough stains on the carpet, stairs, and upholstery and can clean hard-to-reach areas.

If you are looking for affordable, efficient, and deep carpet cleaning, LizMarie Cleaning Services can offer this to you. When our team is done, the result is deeper clean, faster-drying carpets, and a healthier home.


Our machine uses a Heavy-Duty Suction that helps your carpet dry faster.


 We use a non-toxic, carpet cleaning formula that has a powerful formula designed to clean tough, ground-in dirt and stains on the carpet, area rugs, upholstery, and other similar soft surfaces. If you have pets at home, our carpet cleaning solution helps in removing strong pet odors like pet urine. The best thing, there is no dirt-attracting residue left behind, so carpets stay cleaner longer.


One of the reasons why we hire professional carpet cleaning services is to keep our homes clean and healthy. But what if the cleaning solutions used for deep cleaning your carpets can also be harmful to your family? With LizMarie Cleaning Services, you do not have to worry about harmful chemicals being used in your home.  Our carpet cleaning solution is tough on stains is made with biodegradable detergents and doesn't have heavy metals, phosphates, or dyes, making it an earth-friendly formula and safe to use around kids and pets.

Our friendly and professional technicians will have your carpets looking new again, without the hassle! 

✔️ Free quotes with no obligation to commit
✔️ Affordable carpet cleaning rates
✔️ Reliable Service you can count on
✔️ Professionally trained and experienced cleaners
✔️ We bring our own cleaning supplies and equipment 

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Professional Carpet Cleaning Services Chicago

Carpet Deep Cleaning, Carpet Shampooing, and Carpet Steam Cleaning. What's in a name?

Carpet Steam Cleaning, also known as hot water extraction cleaning. This type of carpet cleaning method uses high-pressured hot water to agitate the carpet fiber and dissolve dirt in the carpet. This usually involves the application of a cleaning agent on the soiled surface, agitation of the carpet with a brush, and followed by rinsing. It only uses water so it is safe to use when you have kids at home. The water's high temperature also disinfects the carpet and this method is efficient for cleaning wall-to-wall carpets. Although this carpet cleaning method can be used for stubborn carpet stains, this may not be effective for deeply soiled carpets.  Using the carpet steam cleaning method involves a lot of water and will most usually mean a lot of dry time. If you have kids and pets,  it may be difficult to ensure that nobody steps on the carpet so you have to arrange for everyone to stay out of the house while you are waiting for your carpet to dry.

Carpet Shampooing enjoyed many years as the method of choice for carpet cleaning and more carpets have been cleaned by shampooing than by any other method. Carpet shampooing involves using a detergent loaded in the carpet cleaning machine,  After a thorough vacuuming, the carpet is scrubbed while a shampoo solution is fed through the shower feed brush. The method requires a high level of skills to prevent overwetting of the carpets. This method is great at getting rid of dirt such as loose soil that’s embedded in the carpet but it has become unpopular over the years because it leaves behind a high amount of wet foam residues in the carpet that takes a long time to dry. It becomes sticky when it dries because no rinsing is done after shampooing. Also, carpet shampooing leaves soap residue in the carpet fibers and attracts more dirt and dust.

Carpet Deep Cleaning is another carpet cleaning method designed to force a mixture of warm water and cleaning solution into the carpet to clean deep down the carpet fibers. The solution and dirt are then extracted from the carpet, leaving the fibers and carpet base clean.  The method used in this type of carpet cleaning is also known as the encapsulation method and is currently the method of choice in the carpet cleaning industry as it is effective in removing carpet stains and dirt. One of the advantages of the encapsulation method is that it uses less water meaning it provides lesser drying time compared to carpet shampooing and steam cleaning.  In addition to faster dry times, less water means no wicking or resoiling.  It also has less chemical residue left behind after cleaning compared to carpet shampooing. Lastly, and perhaps the most significant benefit of encapsulation cleaning is the improvement in carpet appearance and the longer life cycle of your carpets. 

Need Your Carpets Cleaned?

Are you guilty of leaving things that need to be done and worrying you may have left things a little too late? Carpet cleaning is one of those things. A lot of people think needs carpets need to be replaced after a certain period but that is not the case. Effective carpet cleaning services for your Chicago home can bring a new lease of life to your carpets. Give us a call at (773) 798-2008

Carpet Washing

Carpet washing is an essential aspect of home maintenance that often goes unnoticed. Carpets act as a magnet for dirt, dust, allergens, and stains, making regular cleaning crucial for maintaining a healthy and aesthetically pleasing environment. Professional carpet cleaning services offer a comprehensive solution to tackle these issues effectively. In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits of professional carpet cleaning and highlight the importance of incorporating the best carpet cleaning methods and eco-friendly practices.


1. Carpet Washing: Carpet washing is the process of deep cleaning and rejuvenating carpets to remove dirt, stains, and allergens. It goes beyond regular vacuuming, providing a thorough and effective cleaning solution.


2. Professional Carpet Cleaning: Professional carpet cleaning services employ trained technicians equipped with the knowledge and expertise to handle various carpet types and cleaning requirements. They utilize advanced equipment and techniques to deliver exceptional results.


3. Carpet Cleaning Services: Carpet cleaning services encompass a range of specialized treatments tailored to individual carpet needs. These services may include deep cleaning, stain removal, odor elimination, and carpet protection.


4. Deep Carpet Cleaning: Deep carpet cleaning involves a thorough cleaning process that reaches deep into the carpet fibers to remove embedded dirt, dust, and allergens. It helps to restore the carpet's original appearance and enhances its longevity.


5. Best Carpet Cleaning Methods: Professional carpet cleaning services employ the best carpet cleaning methods, such as hot water extraction, dry cleaning, or steam cleaning. These methods ensure a deep and thorough cleaning, leaving carpets fresh and revitalized.


6. Eco-Friendly Carpet Cleaning: In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on eco-friendly practices in all aspects of life, including carpet cleaning. Many professional carpet cleaning companies now offer eco-friendly cleaning solutions that minimize the use of harsh chemicals and reduce environmental impact.


7. Carpet Maintenance Tips: Professional carpet cleaners not only clean carpets but also provide valuable maintenance tips to homeowners. These tips may include regular vacuuming, prompt stain removal, and using appropriate carpet protectors to prevent future stains.


8. Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning: There are several benefits of opting for professional carpet cleaning services. Firstly, it improves indoor air quality by removing allergens and dust mites that can trigger allergies and respiratory issues. Secondly, it enhances the appearance and extends the lifespan of the carpet. Thirdly, professional cleaning eliminates odors, leaving the carpet smelling fresh and clean. Lastly, it saves time and effort compared to DIY cleaning, ensuring a thorough and efficient cleaning process.


9. Carpet Cleaning Company: When choosing a carpet cleaning company, it is important to consider factors such as experience, reputation, customer reviews, and eco-friendly practices. A reliable and professional carpet cleaning company will offer quality services, exceptional results, and excellent customer satisfaction.


Carpet washing is not just a cosmetic endeavor; it is essential for maintaining a healthy and clean living environment. Professional carpet cleaning services bring a multitude of benefits, including improved indoor air quality, extended carpet lifespan, and a fresh and appealing appearance.


By utilizing the best carpet cleaning methods and eco-friendly practices, these services ensure a thorough and efficient cleaning process. So, leave your carpet cleaning worries to the professionals and enjoy the benefits of a clean and revitalized carpet in your home.

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